Should I twist infinity scarf?

To Twist or Not to Twist: The Infinity Scarf Conundrum

Should I twist infinity scarf?. The infinity scarf: a versatile fashion staple that effortlessly elevates any outfit. But when it comes to wearing it, one question remains: to twist or not to twist?

The Case for Twisting

Twisting your infinity scarf adds a touch of texture and dimension, making it visually more interesting. It also helps the scarf drape better, preventing it from becoming floppy or bunching up. A twisted scarf can also be warmer, as it creates more layers around your neck.

Should I twist infinity scarf?

Here are some specific benefits of twisting your infinity scarf:

  • Creates a cowl effect: A single twist creates a cozy cowl neck, perfect for keeping you warm on chilly days.
  • Adds volume: If your scarf is on the thin side, twisting it can give it some extra body.
  • Prevents slipping: A twisted scarf is less likely to slip off your shoulders than an untwisted one.
  • Looks more polished: A twisted scarf can instantly elevate a casual outfit.

The Case for Not Twisting

While twisting has its advantages, there are also some situations where it’s not the best option.

Here are some reasons why you might not want to twist your infinity scarf:

  • Can be bulky: If your scarf is already thick or chunky, twisting it can make it look too bulky.
  • May not suit all fabrics: Some delicate fabrics, like silk or chiffon, can wrinkle or crease when twisted.
  • Casual vibe: An untwisted scarf can have a more relaxed and casual look.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to twist your infinity scarf is up to you. Consider the factors mentioned above, as well as your personal style and the occasion.

Here are some additional tips for wearing infinity scarves:

  • Experiment with different twists: You can try one twist, two twists, or even a figure-eight twist.
  • Accessorize: Add a brooch, pin, or pendant to your scarf for a personalized touch.
  • Play with colors and patterns: Choose a scarf that complements your outfit and makes you feel confident.

No matter how you choose to wear it, the infinity scarf is a surefire way to add a touch of style and comfort to your winter wardrobe. So, to twist or not to twist? The answer is: it’s up to you!

I hope this article helps you decide whether or not to twist your infinity scarf. Happy styling!

Although there are many convertible scarves out there, FER is an exclusive piece that can convert into a convertible scarf, shawl, neck scarf and more. This patented accessory is a closet staple and makes the ideal gift. View the current colors available at

How do I wear my infinity scarf? FER

To learn more about the cultural significance of headwraps, check out this article:


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